May 31, 2007
The noble Art of selfdefense
Consume,... go ahead...

Another oldie from about 10 years ago,... for a magazine I've forgotten about. I do remember it was about consumerism. That's Thomas Jeffereson's study in the background. I thought it would a bit ironic at the time.
Al Gore & Chris Paine

An Illustration for Backbone magazine which talks about truth versus fiction in recent documentaries such as "An Inconvenient Truth" (Al gore) and "Who killed the Electric Car" (Chris Paine) for an article in their Auto Tech section.
Dr. V
The Claws Come Out
So yeah, I just made this little postcard to give to comic shops and stuff to promote my upcoming book THE CLAWS COME OUT. The book in mostly about pretty girls kicking monsters' asses, so I came up with this image for the promo:

--Pat Lewis

--Pat Lewis

I've been giving my website a bit of a new look and heres some illustrations from the front page...
Angels and Demons
Hot Fuzz: The Andy's

Hi everyone! Here's a quick gouache painting on watercolour paper of my two favourite characters from the film Hot Fuzz. Which was hilarious by the way!
Ghost-Rex & Kid Frankenstein!
Friend and filmmaker Seth Worley is at it again.
Don't know how much I can spill about it, but I was asked to craft a prop for his latest film. It's supposed to resemble a page torn from an old book on Tennessee ghost lore....
The legendary....GHOST REX...!
Friend and filmmaker Seth Worley is at it again.
Don't know how much I can spill about it, but I was asked to craft a prop for his latest film. It's supposed to resemble a page torn from an old book on Tennessee ghost lore....
The legendary....GHOST REX...!

After I turned that in, Seth wanted to know if I had done any comic book covers that he could use to populate the kid's tent.
I'm sending him my TrogHammer comic ...and while rooting around I found this guy in a dark dank corner of the archives. I dusted him off and brought him out into the light...
Say hello to Kid Frankenstein!

You can follow Seth's exploits more closely:
And I'm still hangin out over
Don't know how much I can spill about it, but I was asked to craft a prop for his latest film. It's supposed to resemble a page torn from an old book on Tennessee ghost lore....
The legendary....GHOST REX...!
Friend and filmmaker Seth Worley is at it again.
Don't know how much I can spill about it, but I was asked to craft a prop for his latest film. It's supposed to resemble a page torn from an old book on Tennessee ghost lore....
The legendary....GHOST REX...!

After I turned that in, Seth wanted to know if I had done any comic book covers that he could use to populate the kid's tent.
I'm sending him my TrogHammer comic ...and while rooting around I found this guy in a dark dank corner of the archives. I dusted him off and brought him out into the light...
Say hello to Kid Frankenstein!

You can follow Seth's exploits more closely:
And I'm still hangin out over
ghost rex,
kid frankenstein,
Paul Conrad
swimsuit special

This series of ladies was done for the magazine Femina.ch, for a spread on swimsuit shopping tips for special body features. Hence the big equipment of one lady, the big hips of the other etc.
It's done in a new technique, do you like it?
'Introductory Blurb...'

Hi all, I'd like to introduce myself to you all as the latest addition to the great team of creatives at 'Sugar Frosted Goodness!'. My name is Paul Garland, I am an Illustrator/Image Maker and have been working professionally on a freelance basis for a good number of years.
Look out for me in the Gallery of the next issue of '3X3 Magazine' and in the pages of the 'Luerzers Archive 200 Best Illustrators in the World' due in the next couple of months. I was also told just yesterday that I have won a Gold Award in the 'Portfolios.com Awards', so all in all this year so far is coming along nicely thank you very much.
You can view more of my work on my recently re-designed web site: www.pgarland.com and here's a little taster of an image to say "Howdy".
Phil Spector

A caricature sketch of Phil Spector
- Eccentric music genius is charged with the murder of Lana Clarkson, a fading movie actress. The trial revolves around whether Spector, in one of his alcohol-fueled rages, put a loaded gun in Lana's mouth and pulled the trigger or whether she was despondent and desperate enough to have committed suicide.- crimelibrary.com

One of the problems of having an indoor Television ariel is the possibilty of interference from a small budgie, canary or other pet bird.
More stuff at www.loopland.net
300 girls in 100 days.

I realize I haven't posted here in a while so I'm taking this oportunity to do so, and to tell you guys what I have been up to. Two friends and I are drawing and posting a girl a day for 100 days. So far we are on girl number 60. making a total of 180 girls. I made this collage as a sample of the work we have done so far.
the blog
May 30, 2007
SFG: Television
SFG: Television
This week's theme: TelevisionFor you newcomers, the SFG Challenge runs Thursday to Thursday, and was created to offer every member an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles and post their interpretations on a specific theme. It's a lot of fun!
Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well. I prefer you label your entries with your name or screenname, and the challenge label, SFG: Television.
Remember, this is a completely voluntary challenge designed solely to stimulate creativity and promote participation. Please don't hesitate to post your other work as normal.
We still have SFG T-Shirts available in every size. Show your brand loyalty and wear SFG!
I can't stress enough how much I hope you take the time to get involved over at the SFGForum. There are a million threads waiting for you to start them! Good stuff over there folks, a great way to interact with and get to know your fellow SFG'ers on a more personal level.
The next challenge begins Thursday, June 7th, 2007.
Challenge yourselves SFG'ers and have a great week!
Young Adult Book Cover
DopePope's MetalMan

The DopePope asked me to contribute to his MetalMan book recently. I'm really excited to be included with some great artists. Thanks Joe!
Puttin' the Fart in Art

Some days you just need to doodle.
Super-Secret Project #1 was sent out last week and is presently in the hands of The Secret Company. Super-Secret Project #2 is under construction. Life is good.
Angels and Demons,...blah, blah, blah...
wolvie tea party

this kind of made the rounds a couple weeks ago, but i thought a few people here that haven't seen it might enjoy it. :)
PYBOT - Air Force 50th Anniversary

I was commisioned to do this illustration for a magazine cover to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the US Air Force. The planes flying away from you are B-50s, being the first aircraft designated as Air Force in September of 1947. The wing-like aircraft flying toward you is of course, the well recognized B-2 Spirit, the Air Force's first operational stealth bomber.
Canvas size; 18"x24"
Medium: Oil
PYBOT/W: Custom 52

Vote for me! Again! And then post something yourself so I can vote for you too!
Everyone got Jeff's email, no excuses! I found out about Custom52 last week and I had designed some cards so I thought it would be fun. So far, my entries seem to be unique in that, like 98% of the rest are full-on graphic design. Get IN THERE folks! They need a serious infusion of illustration!!
I'm hoping to do at least one more myself.
PYBOT: All Work & No Play

I design "custom" wine labels for a living. I make labels that people can customize with a message and I partner with a wine store in New York City that re-labels wine with them for me (1 bottle at a time). Here are a couple of labels that aren't in main circulation and that I havent found an audience for yet - oh- you guys!
if you want to try / check out the custom wine labeling thing please visit: www.67wineCouture.com
Dog with flower
PYBOT Hugo with wet hair

This is one of the pictures for my new year-long art/illustration project ‘A Family Portrait’. I will be doing a portrait a day of each of the members of my family (me, husband, daughter, three sons and the dog) for a year and have fun trying lots of different styles. The great thing is that they are used to my sketching and so are completely desensitised and don’t take it personally if the portraits are unflattering. This one is of my middle son Hugo after washing his hair.
PYBOT: Of Love And Lines

May 29, 2007
DI: Steph Doyle

The latest Design Inspiration interview is with my friend and fellow SFG'er Steph Doyle. It's a wonderful interview with a lot of great insight, be sure to check it out.
Read it, Love it, Comment it!

I'm digging back into an older sketchbook. Here's one I always liked and since Barry "The Walking Drugstore" Bonds is about to break the all-time home run record, this one is pretty timely.
home run,
josh pincus,
These are good witches...Angels?
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