Jun 10, 2007

Glad to be here!

Hey everybody, Glen Mullaly here to say hi-ho and how-do-you-do! Happy to have been invited to SFG and so I thought I'd start off with a few words of introduction ( and exploitation ) by steering you to my wacky website - glenmullaly.com as well as my furshlugginer Flickr site - which contains not only my own work but selected choice cuts of vintage Grade A illustration from my favourite kid's books, magazines and records from the past. Stop by and say hi!

For my first post I thought I'd share some ( mechanical ) pencil roughs for a website illo I did a couple of months ago. We start ( above ) with a small thumbnail rough ( a little over 3" high ). Next up ( below ) the almost finished pencil, about 7".

Up last, the finished illustration as a stand-alone. To see Frozen Pea Girl earning her keep click here.


Rita illustration said...

Great work!! Welcome!

DavidSniderDesignStudio said...

Excellent. Very Nice.

Anonymous said...

quirky and funny. i dig it!

C. A. Silbach said...

Excellent work! I like your web site a lot, too!

Glen Mullaly said...

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the kind words coming from such talented folks.

Jeff Andrews said...

Welcome to SFG Glen, your work is so inspiring! Frankly, it ROCKS!

Glen Mullaly said...

Thanks Jeff. I'm glad to have been invited.