Apr 16, 2008

You can't please 'em all

I was recently commissioned to do a digital caricature for a guy who came across my work online. He sent me a bunch of photos of himself that were all shadowy and atmospheric and generally designed to make him look as emo as humanly possible. So I went ahead and did the caricature and, surprise, surprise, he came back and told me he thought my drawing was too dark and scary. Although I wasn't getting paid much for the job, I went ahead and gave it one more crack--which is not shown here--softening him up and making him look about as innocent as choirboy. Guess the client didn't like that one either, because repeated attempts to contact him for payment have come back with no response. Despite that, I have to admit, I rather like my first try, and that's why I'm sharing it here with you kind folks.



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