Jul 31, 2009


just a doodle with a red ballpoint pen...

the bloody-creepy-flesh-number-six...

The General and His Wife AND The General and His Mistress

The General & His Wife AND The General & His Mistress

Come take a closer look at some of the details on my blog.

biodieselSMARTER illo (SKULL!)

Here's an illustration I sent off last night for a biodiesel trade magazine. At issue: newer diesel engines might not burn biodiesel quite as efficiently, and biodiesel producers are working on doing a more regular job of testing their product. See more biodieselSMARTER illustrations I've done over here.

better luck days - an illustrated story told in six pictures

linda sarah

Lino Ventura

Lino Ventura was an italian wrestler and actor who started his acting career in France with the film noir thriller "Touchez pas au grisbi". He became very popular since then and played in many so called "films policier", inspired by the film noir genre.

Dinner by nerosunero on 20x20 Magazine (London)

Dinner by nerosunero features on "Hunger for Distraction" the new issue of
20x20 Magazine

20x20 Magazine (London, England, 27 VII 2009), # 2, p. 49

Jul 30, 2009

Unnamed Comic 2

Still, have no name. BUT, I am enjoying this exercise in creativity. Basic concept, evil monster Cthulhu, tries to stop being so evil, and gets a 9-5 job.

Copyright 2009 Drew Pocza

Jul 29, 2009


Coraline and Coraline

Two Coraline sketch cards inspired by the amazing movie.

"Blog Block" by Mike Spicer

Mimic Door

One more Mimic creature, this time, shape of a door. D&D fans will know what this is!
Copyright 2009 Drew Pocza/ Sean K. Reynolds

Unnamed comic

I love comics. All growing up, I thought the COOLEST gig ever would be to do a daily comic strip guy. Although life had different plans for me, I still love the comics. There was something so amazing to me about the newspaper strips. But that was one of the hardest gigs to ever land. Competition was crazy. Until the web that is. Web comics made comic creation something everyone could do. So here I am, many years later, taking another look at an old childhood passion. I have done a few web comic in the past, and it was always a fun exercise in creativity. So who knows, maybe I will do more.

Sorry for the watermark in there, but it helps people from stealing.. kinda.
Copyright 2009 Drew Pocza



Jul 28, 2009


Alina Chau.

Design Inpiration Interview- Eric Merced

A brand new interview with illustrator Eric Merced has just gone up over at Design Inspiration. Go check it out and leave some comments. :)




Yeah, I'm working on an image for an upcoming 8 bit art show....
It's a game that had some skulls in it for sure...



There's a couple of skulls in there somewhere.


This is my post for Illustration Friday’s “Idle”. It’s been a while since I posted to IF, but it’s usually when a topic strikes me that I can pull together an idea.

Global Warming aside, an idling car is still not good for the environment. If it was, you’d probably smoke your car like a cigar, wouldn’t you? (scribbling down another idea…)

In conclusion, shutting off your car, rather than having it sit idle can’t be a bad thing.

Jul 27, 2009

The White Stripes

Howdy y'all,

It's been quite a long time since I posted anything. That's mainly because for a long time it seemed like editor bogged down every time I tried to save anything. Thought I'd give it a shot again. Here's a digital painting I did recently of Jack and Meg White of the White Stripes. This is all Photoshop. About 5 hours from start to finish.




One of the funniest monsters I have been able to work on. A mimic is a D&D creature.Here is the product it will be in.

Copyright 2009 Drew Pocza/ Sean K Reynolds.

Skull gazing

It's nice to have a life-sized skeleton right there in your studio for such things.


It's been a while since my last post. Here's something from a few weeks back.

SFG: Skulls

A wild (West) Lady with a skull tattoo.

What's hot in spires

SFG: Skulls

This week's challenge: Skulls!

The SFG Challenge was created to challenge every member to stretch their creative muscles, venture outside of their artistic boundaries and post their interpretations each week on a specific theme. You are enthusiastically encouraged to participate!

Don't forget to label your posts and leave your comments!

Have a great week!


Jul 26, 2009

2 x 2

More new drawings & photos in my blog.

Calling Dick Tracy...

Here’s something I came up with this weekend. Although the movie was not exactly true to the Dick Tracy cannon, it was still a lot of fun to watch when I was a kid.

But anyways, here’s my favorite character from Dick Tracy’s rogue gallery: Mr. Flat Top Jones.

Childhood Heroes! - Supa Saiyajin Son Goku

another Dragonball character. I think I will do one more character for this series and then focus on other sets of 3. Some other japanese cartoons I plan on paying tribute to are: Captain Tsubasa, Saint Seiya, Astro Boy, Tetsujin 28, and Cyborg 009. There's also the amazing Cowboy Bebop, but I'm saving that one for a different series. For now, hope you like this guy, Super Saiyajin Son Goku! I've always liked this version of Goku, all powered, beaten up, but still ready to fight to the end! KA-ME-HA-ME-HAaaAAaaA!!!

Jul 25, 2009

She's back!

Another in my long running series of Puerto Rican Hip Hop girl doodles. I sketch these by pausing a DVD at a specific still, and then drawing said still from the TV set across the room. I'm not the first to do this. Glenn Fabry filled an entire book entitled Muscles in Motion (a highly recommended read BTW). I've included the original sketch, so you can see the difference after color is added in Photoshop. Enjoy, and be sure to visit my blog for much more: http://www.halltoons.blogspot.com/



The Final Scene in Shakespeare's Hamlet

I painting I made of one of the most shockingly tragic episodes of literature in the history of the english language.

-Nick Fechter


Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Depending on where you live, you might not be able to relate. This summer has been quite rainy for us here in the Maritimes. June was filled with overcast skies, fog and rain. July hasn’t been too bad, except for this past week. Yesterday was the WET. It poured and poured leaving me feeling like a drowned rat at the end of the day.

I shouldn’t complain, because it’s pretty dry out west with forest fires burning out of control. I can take the rain for now, but let’s hope for better weather in August, for everyone!

Jul 24, 2009


Hey all,
Just posting to prove that I'm not dead....

Hope your all well.

Above are some shots of my packaging header design for Brandt Peters & Kathie Olivas' Super7 Big Sal figure. Below it, are pics of the actual figure. Sold out yesterday at ComiCon.

Blind Caffeinated Poodles

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted but this illustration was inspired by my husband’s story of Blind Caffeinated Poodles.

Jul 23, 2009

Random Moleskine Sketches

Just sharing some doodles.


I had no real vested interest in Michael Jackson. His music was just sort of way in the background of my life. I don't think I ever bought any of his music. His decline was very sad. I will say I loved the documentary of him by Martin Bashir. That was fascinating. Although I watched it again after he died and it wasn't as funny as I remember. It made me feel sadder for him. Oh well. don't do drugs kiddies.