Aug 31, 2008
The challenge word on another illustration blog is "memories".

This week end is Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. I was prompted to think of all of the things I experienced this past summer. While not necessarily the best memory of the summer, the most unusual occurred on Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficial beginning of summer.
Read about that unusual memory HERE on my blog.

This week end is Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. I was prompted to think of all of the things I experienced this past summer. While not necessarily the best memory of the summer, the most unusual occurred on Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficial beginning of summer.
Read about that unusual memory HERE on my blog.
Aug 30, 2008
Hi all, here's a thing I just finished. Zombies vs Cowboys! This is a piece I did for my good friend William Harms. His book will be published late this year or early 2009. You may see another variant cover emerge in October...:)
If you'd like to see a timelapse movie of my somewhat chaotic process check this link:
Anyway thanks or looking
If you'd like to see a timelapse movie of my somewhat chaotic process check this link:
Anyway thanks or looking

You can't run away from your own head

Finished this up a little while ago, but I've been too busy to post much. Started a new job two weeks ago, and I'm having a blast.
SFG: black
The current challenge word at sugarfrostedgoodness.com is "black".

In the middle nineteenth century, Jack Black (no, not THAT Jack Black) served as rat-catcher and mole destroyer by appointment of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. That meant he was the head vermin exterminator, but he was a bit of a showman, too.
Henry Mayhew, founder of British humor magazine Punch, recalled that Jack Black (no, not THAT Jack Black) "the most fearless handler of rats of any man living." Proud of his profession, Black wore a wide leather belt inlaid with cast-iron rats. Black drove a cart with rats painted on the side panels. He would often stop his cart in busy areas of town for "performances". He had a stage rigged on the cart, on which were cages filled with rats. He would exhibit the rapid effects of his rat poison, by dipping his hand into a cage of rats and taking out as many as he could hold. He would then administer his own blend of rat poison right into the animals' mouths. However, his work experiences included a number of occasions when he nearly died from infection following rat bites.
When Jack Black (no, not THAT Jack Black) caught any unusually colored rats, he bred them, to establish new color varieties. He would sell his home-bred, domesticated colored rats as pets to well-bred young ladies to keep in squirrel cages. Beatrix Potter is believed to have been one of his customers, and she dedicated the book Samuel Whiskers to her rat of the same name.
Jack Black (no, no THAT Jack Black) had a number of sidelines beyond rats, including fishing (for food and supplying aquariums), bird catching, taxidermy and dog breeder.
The position of royal rat catcher disappeared in the early twentieth century. Unfortunately, THIS Jack Black was never caught.

In the middle nineteenth century, Jack Black (no, not THAT Jack Black) served as rat-catcher and mole destroyer by appointment of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. That meant he was the head vermin exterminator, but he was a bit of a showman, too.
Henry Mayhew, founder of British humor magazine Punch, recalled that Jack Black (no, not THAT Jack Black) "the most fearless handler of rats of any man living." Proud of his profession, Black wore a wide leather belt inlaid with cast-iron rats. Black drove a cart with rats painted on the side panels. He would often stop his cart in busy areas of town for "performances". He had a stage rigged on the cart, on which were cages filled with rats. He would exhibit the rapid effects of his rat poison, by dipping his hand into a cage of rats and taking out as many as he could hold. He would then administer his own blend of rat poison right into the animals' mouths. However, his work experiences included a number of occasions when he nearly died from infection following rat bites.
When Jack Black (no, not THAT Jack Black) caught any unusually colored rats, he bred them, to establish new color varieties. He would sell his home-bred, domesticated colored rats as pets to well-bred young ladies to keep in squirrel cages. Beatrix Potter is believed to have been one of his customers, and she dedicated the book Samuel Whiskers to her rat of the same name.
Jack Black (no, no THAT Jack Black) had a number of sidelines beyond rats, including fishing (for food and supplying aquariums), bird catching, taxidermy and dog breeder.
The position of royal rat catcher disappeared in the early twentieth century. Unfortunately, THIS Jack Black was never caught.
El mañas...
What To Draw

There are times when I have no say in what I can draw. Case in point, my trip to Maryland with Yun for her niece's one year old birthday party. I brought all my drawing stuff but there was never any time to draw. I took the train back to New York on Sunday morning by myself. When I sat in my seat, it was the first time I could relax all weekend. It was also the only time I could do a little drawing. Therefore I had no choice really. I had to draw what was available to me at that moment on the train. Sometimes it is good to have what I can draw dictated to me by life's circumstances. So for all of you wondering, what should I draw? How about opening your eyes and drawing what's right in front of you.
Aug 29, 2008
IF: Memories

My submission for Illustration Friday's weekly topic - Memories. I think the trash can is an interesting concept for this. It probably temporarily holds more things that are linked to our own personal individual memories than any other device in the world. I also have many "memories" as a kid finding all kinds of magical things in and around alleys and trash cans, that with a sprinkle of imagination could be transformed and transport me to an entirely different world. It's a shame so many of us lose touch with this ability as we get older.
rawtoastdesign blog, rawtoastdesign.com
Aug 28, 2008
Book Buddy
Book Buddy
Aug 27, 2008
IF: Routine

My submission for Illustration Friday's weekly topic - routine.
rawtoastdesign blog, rawtoastdesign.com

This illustration was done for an article in the upcoming issue of IndyKids. The article questioned why the newspapers continue to headline less important events when people are still dying everyday in a war that is now considered "yesterdays news".
IndyKids is a free newspaper and teaching tool that aims to inform children on current news and world events from a progressive perspective and to inspire a passion for social justice and learning.
rawtoastdesign blog, rawtoastdesign.com
Cards for Kids

Visit my website.
children's art,
vector art
surf day
stealing away from work, with or without their permission, to have a part of what's really important - good waves.

jw miller,
oil painting,

The other night Yun and I are sitting on the couch and all of a sudden one of our cats starts rubbing her butt all over one of our nice Moroccan rugs. She was doing just like crazy dogs do, when they sit on their but and then pulled themselves along with their front legs very fast. We were hysterical with laughter at the spectical. Things changed quickly when Yun noticed why she was doing that. There was a piece of you know what sticking out of her ass. Now we noticed she was wiping it all over the rug, bathroom tiles and our nice red oak floors. Yun grabbed her and said I had to take it out of her. Me? Why me? It's her cat but I am low man on the totem pole so yes I had to do it. It was not pleasant but I succeeded. I felt like gagging. Having pets is no picnic but I did have a few laughs over it.
Aug 26, 2008
lanso - digging
graphic novel,
hip hop,
jw miller,
oil painting,
SFG: Black

....well there could be Johnny Cash..or...Marilyn Manson....
or darth vader..or. .. . .
mark jaquette @
illustrationism &
An illo for a story on how married men have taken to wearing mascara and calling woolly things 'cashmere'...

My blog

My blog
A Quick Note to Update SFG'ers!
I'm receiving quite a few undeliverable e-mail notices when I send out mail to SFG members. It appears that a number of you have changed or updated your e-mail addresses since joining SFG.
If all members could take the time very soon and e-mail me ( jeff at sugarfrostedgoodness.com) with your updated contact information, that would be GREAT!
Thanks in advance!
If all members could take the time very soon and e-mail me ( jeff at sugarfrostedgoodness.com) with your updated contact information, that would be GREAT!
Thanks in advance!
Aug 25, 2008
SFG: Black
Black when used in illustration work can be so incredibly powerful, it's been a while since we've used a color suggestion as the theme for the challenge, thought it might be fun to visit.
Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels. Label your entries with your name and the challenge label, in this case SFG: Black
The next challenge begins Monday, September 9th, 2008.
The SFG Challenge was created to offer every member an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles, venture outside of their artistic boundaries and post their interpretations each week on a specific theme. This is a completely voluntary challenge!
E-mail me if you're interested in taking advantage of SFG's site traffic and advertising opportunities here and Design Inspiration.
Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels. Label your entries with your name and the challenge label, in this case SFG: Black
The next challenge begins Monday, September 9th, 2008.
The SFG Challenge was created to offer every member an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles, venture outside of their artistic boundaries and post their interpretations each week on a specific theme. This is a completely voluntary challenge!
E-mail me if you're interested in taking advantage of SFG's site traffic and advertising opportunities here and Design Inspiration.
Aug 23, 2008

I like to make fun of models. They are not bad people or anything. I've worked with millions of them. It's just that they make for great butt-ends for my jokes. I have lots of photographer books in my office so there is always some kooky girl to draw. I thought it would be funny to make light of what a model eats to stay thin. The world has become so PC that you can't make fun of anything. Someone will always complain about it not being right to make fun of anorexia or bulimia. I have my own problems and I don't care if people make fun of me. In fact people are always making fun of me and I like it. Makes me feel human. I showed my drawing to some models I was working with and they laughed their ass off. One model said she wanted a poster of it to hang on her wall. They happened to be eating lunch when I showed them. Life imitates art.
Amy Winehouse

More here
Sink or Swim

Hello Everyone! It has been a while! Here's the art that I created for a postcard that's promoting my upcoming art show. If you are nearby... Come on down. Georgetown is just 1/2 hour from Austin, Texas.
Black and White,
Nick Ramos,
In the Night Garden Artwork...

Aug 22, 2008
the yahoo project

a few days ago i started a project where i will try to illustrate one of the yahoo headlines each day. these are just typography illustration so i won't inerpretate the stories.
check them here
I Got NO strings
Guitar hero inspired Throwback illustration. Check my blog for more story behind this pic.
Happy New Year!
Last week I delivered two illustrations for a Belgian Card company called Marsival. This is the result: Two cosy christmascards made in the middle of summer.

Aug 21, 2008
Daily Couples
My friend Natasha and I started a little project a while ago. We've been doing it purely for fun! Natasha draws pictures of girls and then I draw pictures of boys for them to date. Sometimes we switch it up and I draw girls and she draws boys. Here are a few of the characters I've come up with so far...
natasha allegri,
Phil McAndrew
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