May 30, 2010

Scott Neely Cartoonist Survey on David-Wasting-Paper Blog!

Just to let you all know, I did a cartoonist survey for a great little blog that interviews cartoonists about how they work. Check out mine and the others when you get a chance! Here's a pic of Courage the Cowardly Dog that I did with a purple Col Erase pencil!

Snow White

Snow White and the Queen. Inspired by the Adam and Eve Gustav Klimt artwork.

May 29, 2010

May 28, 2010

1st Sketch on the iPad

Drawn in Adobe Ideas...

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from Jago

Dragon; step-by-step

John Deininger

1st sketch on the iPad

idea.pdf (117 KB)
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Drawn in Adobe Ideas

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from Jago

Jessica Fortner in Applied Arts Awards Annual

I was one of the winners chosen to be part of this years Applied Arts Photography & Illustration Awards Annual. Very exciting...lots of great Canadian artists featured, so be sure to pick a copy up for yourself. :)

Also, it's been awhile since I've posted here. I've been very busy. Check out my site to see some of the projects that I've been working on.

Hope everyone is well.

May 27, 2010


Just wanted to post a new strip. I am really enjoying the comic. I hope you do as well.

If so, you can check em out daily at POKEWEED.
And yes, there IS a FACEBOOK page!

Pokeweed is Copyright 2010 Drew Pocza

New Drawings

So I started a blog for my drawings of which, these are some thereof... henceforth.

May 25, 2010

"The Novel" in the American Illustration Website

nerosunero's entry for this year American Illustration Competition, the Novel, has been Chosen to appear on the American Illustration website (AI 29).
American Illustration 29 Slide Show
The Novel was created and fisrt published by d[x]i Magazine (Valencia, Spain, May 2009)

Made In America : A Native Exhibition

Over the past couple of months I have had the pleasure of working with my friends Yis andLeah to put together easily the largest group show that I have ever been a part of. "Made In America: A Native Exhibition" features over forty artists/friends all contributing work loosely based on this interesting country of ours. We chose this theme because we wanted something culturally relevant, yet broad enough for folks to have varied reactions and through their respective media. The opening reception will take place on June 4th at the TRUST Gallery (formerly the F.U.E.L. Collection, and the Real World Philadelphia house before that) and will go from 6 -10 pm. There will be live performances by: Dragonzord, Tigersapien, and Univox!

Below is the list of artists that will be participating:

Scott Albrecht
Kelsey Allen
Joe Boruchow
Eric Braddock
Courtney Brown
Jude Buffum
Christian Cantiello
Jason Chen
Justin Crosby
Alaina Cunningham
Mark Dilks
Daniel Fishel
Kyle Fisher
Joseph Game
Nose Go
Matthew Gribben
Bradford Haubrich
Dan Hughes
Phil Jackson
Maxine Kramer
Adrienne Langer
Amy Li
Sarah McCorriston
Dietrich Meyer
Jesse Nicholl
Alex Passapera
Greg Pizzoli
Mark Price
Frances Quinlan
Leon Rainbow
Mark Raymond
Danielle Rizzolo
Dewey Saunders
Greg Simmons
MomTried Myles
Steven Speir
Inna Spivakova
Steve Streisguth
Stephanie Struse
Tamara Suber
Chris Terrell
Thom Venier
Emily Wallace
Dave Weeks
Hilary White
Tiffany Yoon

Hope to see you there!


90's Tribute: Ghost World (comic)... for The Autumn Society of Philadelphia

Oscar Armelles - Fyling man

Here is one of the latest illustrations I created. I'm sure loads of people that live in a big city feel like that at 8am in the morning on their way to work. The same illustration in landscape was used for an online magazine for creatives as their landing page.

I've been very, very busy doing some great work for Specsavers (soon to be seen) so I've not been doing much else, but now that the project is finish I'll be able to post more work here. :)

Successful relationships

An illustration I have made for article about skills needed for a successful relationships. It was published in ESS newspaper.

Radek Karkulowski

May 24, 2010

Sweet Station

This is the corner of Canal street and Bowery. Whenever I see this place it doesn't look like it belongs in New York. It's impossible to draw moving cars. So a good trick is to draw the scene without the cars. Then go around the streets looking for parked cars. Select one you like. Position yourself at the right angle for the drawing. Then you can take your time sketching the car. Now people will think you are some kind of genius who can capture moving cars at a glance.
I recently got mentioned on a cool blog called sweet station.

In. Out

May 21, 2010

The Man Who Draws Buns

He steadies the little hardbound book on his leg, putting pencil to paper on a page between the next and last—naturally.

Squinting, he continues, drawing anything that comes to mind. Partridges in profile, a disheveled rake in platform shoes, and of course, buns—many, many naked buns: The buns of fantastically stubby, balding men whose walking-on-air leaps of joy so perfectly showcase a certain golden doughy confidence, the viewer's given no choice but to share in at least a bit of what they have... by the pound, after pound—fancy, fancy freedom.

So jump, my gelatinous friends! Jump!

[To view Bryant's buns, click here.]

May 20, 2010

Illustration Friday: Equipment

Quickie pen & ink and watercolours children's illustration for Illustration Friday.


May 19, 2010

Wizards of the Coast

Several months back, I had a great opportunity to work on some illustrations for a book coming out now from Wizards of the Coast for the Dungeons & Dragons line. I was very excited, as I used to buy D&D books as a kid just for the art. So when the AD there asked me if I wanted in, hellz yeah. My "style" does not fit the normal D&D wold, but Jon, the AD wanted to try an new approach. SOmething never done before. So he gathered up a few out of the norm illustrators for the project. I am happy and thankful to be one of them.

It has been VERY hard for me to not post them till publication. So if you are near any major book store, look for it. Three more spots coming, so check back!

Here is the book!

© Wizards of the Coast LLC

May 17, 2010

IF: Equipment

Blast from the past!

I did these sketches a few years back for some reason but I've always liked them and maybe some day I'll get around to painting them or doing color versions in Illustrator. See you next post!

A long history of being Man's Best Friend

May 16, 2010

Let´s Dance

David Bowie based illustration for my 365 proyect. You can check it out at

Frazetta Tribute

Frank Frazetta's passing marks the end of an era that inspired the entire fantasy and comic book artistic community. A powerful man in both art and life. He will be missed but never forgotten. Frazetta Forever.

Iron Man Sketch in Brushes

Something I played around with last night. Done in Brushes for iPhone. This time, instead of relying on the Pogo stylus, I decided to use my finger to draw and color. Kind of liked it better.

Iron Man is © Marvel Entertainment. Copyright © 2010 Eric Merced. All rights reserved. Contact for further inquiries.

Posted via email from The Art of Eric Merced

May 15, 2010


latest inking
(sorta in honor of the band REVELATION,
SALT and RANDALL BRAMAN; if any1 can give me
what the original is, instead of 'HAPPY',
i'll send them an
illustrationISM post card!

Family Graphic Novel...

This is a draft/review cover of our family's
graphic novel 'OZ, CROCS and STEVE'!
(involving Reptiles, Australia, Steve and Teri Irwin and
Marty and Sal Richardson)...stay tuned...


Remains of the Past.

How does it feel when you notice that your partner keeps mementos of his relationship with his ex-partner?... Illustration for ESS newspaper.

Radek Karkulowski

4 years...

My butterfly mind

A new Poster on my Cafepress shop