Jun 30, 2007

Random Skrawliness and AntMen

Been a long time since last posting. Just some weirdness from my sketchbook. Wish I could share more. Soon when my NDA allows:)

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist - Made in Painter

(the original)

Still As A Tree

Here's my slightly late illustration for this week's Illustration Friday topic "Camouflage." The tree texture came from the greatly talented Vonster! Thanks Von! Now everyone go check out his stuff if you haven't already. (click image for leafy detail goodness!)

Jeff: Part 2

Milton Glaser put it best...he explained that an idea should start blurry (sketch) and slowly come into focus (final). Once we have the sketch complete, we begin our search for images and textures that we might apply to Jeff and his surroundings. Photos, engravings, scanned corn stalks are all fair game at this point. As we begin to gather "Stuff", we start loosely placing things into the illo. Lets throw some brains on the plants...how about some type? What's his cape texture? Those brains need something else....is his skin too light? I like the sketchiness of his face...maybe it should be a bit more polished?


Jeff: Part 1

Better late than never....We've been working on last week's challenge "Jeff" and we decided to record our process visually and verbally on our blog.

The first step...the concept. Lets see....Brain child? Interesting....lets go with that. We'll start with Jeff. Add some protective phalange coverings (aka sister's designer yellow mittens), a king's crown, some goofy teeth, a hero's cape (aka an old moth eaten table cloth found in one of grandma's antique rotting dressers), oh yes, and some weird brain foliage sprouting from Jeff's fertile noggin.


Just trying out something new, so let me know what ya'll think.


draw me_sfd

draw me_sfd
Originally uploaded by elffzart.


Jun 29, 2007

oh bother.

Yup its cute and cuddly. Just a part of my sketchbook I colored.



Texture Pie

Here's one of the four puzzles from Know Fun, my regular puzzles and fun spread in the new issue of Know Magazine ( The Science Magazine for Curious Kids ) that hits the stands this week. I try to vary the style from issue to issue and this month I loaded on the texture. Dig in!

Jim Bradshaw Texture

jim's many textured world

Texture: Dumbledore...

I have had a go with some texture on a relatively smooth original illustration here... added an emboss filter to the texture to try and recreate a gesso look...
I think it gives the illustration a more oldy-worldy feel which suits the image...


hawt iron

hawt iron

A doodle from my pocket sketchbook that I prettied up with textures from Von's book.

- steve rolston

Jun 28, 2007

Hickory Dickory Dock

Just makin' a mock book cover for fun. :-)

SFG: Textures

This one is kind of a cheat since I just posted this image yesterday. But a friend of mine looked at my little recruitment poster and instantly zeroed in on what was missing: "There really ought to be some incentive for joining up, don't you think?" I agree, hence the green girl. The texture I added to this poster was a freebie provided by the brilliant Von Glitschka. If you're not familiar with Von's work, you owe it yourself to check it out.

My website.


Danny and I did a day of drawing. We ended up on the west side of Manhattan. It was one of those typical vistas that I always draw. I wanted to something a little different with this one. I figured I would attempt to stretch everything out to make it look like it was shot with a wide angle lense. When Danny saw it he asked, "why did you do that?" I just wanted to be different, not always do things the same way over and over. It's not easy for me to change. That goes for my life as well as drawing. When I do though, usually good things happen. I am on my way to Italy tomorrow for vacation. I will try to post next week from there. We'll see how it goes. In a few weeks the drawings I do there should start to show up.


MMMmmmm I love me some texture. Most of my work includes some sort of texture. This is a piece I did awhile back with alot of texture goin on. Its a version of little red riding hood. A scary version.

Flip through my Rhyme Book!

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since my last post! I've moved back home to Canada from New Zealand and I've been keeping pretty busy!

My work tends to be quite textured so I thought this SFG challenge would be a great opportunity to post a link to my 'virtual' Rhyme Book!

My latest spread is posted below as well! Enjoy!


It's a shoe. It's blue. Name: Blue shoe.

Not so much with the naming things. I think I'll stick with "Untitled."


First Real Texture

So for me, I started using texture after I experimented around for a while, and stumbled on a technique that I could apply consistently.

It happened with this very piece, in fact:

Hey, that remindes me of something...

I've written some articles that might interest other SFG folks. They're about self-publishing, surviving Comic-Con, free software, and stuff like that.

Check them out here.



Texture Beast

Here's one that I did a few weeks ago:

I've been using texture over my vectors for a couple of years now, so I was excited about this week's challenge. I may post more than one...

I find that texture ups the "vintage" feel that I love so much.


Butterfly's MoCCA 2007 Pics!

Butterfly and I headed up to New York for MoCCA last weekend and had a blast! I took a ton of photos, which are available over here on my LiveJournal!

SFG: Birthday Texture!

"Charlie has a gift for you...you just have to wait a few hours."

Here's a card I made for my sister's birthday yesterday. The texture comes from a photo of a grey-brownish rock. I used it because it gave the illustration a dirty crumpled paper feel.

Paul Garland - SFG:Texture...

For my entry to this week's challenge I have created a piece of work to advertise the major update that I have just completed on my web site, it includes numerous new pieces of work which have replaced some slightly older pieces. You can see my updated web site here: pgarland.com

The new piece of work to advertise the 'update' both here and on other web sites is a simple idea and is somewhat experimental (though I have to admit I quite like the way it's all going.) It is also the latest in my 'Hands' series...

Jun 27, 2007

SFG: Texture

In honor of my good friend Von's latest book release, Crumble Crackle Burn: 120 Stunning Textures for Design & Illustration, I've decided to make this weeks theme: Texture. Work some kind of texture into your illustration. If you haven't bought his book yet, you should. I got mine in the mail yesterday from Amazon and it is phenomenal! Not to mention there are a number of SFG'ers who contributed to this book. Go check it out at www.texturebook.com or click on the link in the advertisement on the left.

For you newcomers, the SFG Challenge runs Thursday to Thursday, and was created to offer every member an opportunity to stretch their creative muscles and post their interpretations on a specific theme. It's a lot of fun!

Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well. I prefer you label your entries with your name or screenname, and the challenge label, SFG: Texture

Remember, this is a completely voluntary challenge designed solely to stimulate creativity and promote participation. Please don't hesitate to post your other work as normal.

I'm still looking for someone to help me with keeping up with posting updates for SFG and DI to some of the illustration and design news sites that are out there. Contact me if you're interested in helping out.

I'd also love to see you SFG'ers help to advertise the site yourselves, posting links on your own websites, and talking it up where and when you can all over the net. Help me to build this brand!

The next challenge begins Thursday, July 5th, 2007.

Challenge yourselves SFG'ers and have a great week!

Hold the fort! Von has just graciously offered a special download of ten additional textures to SFG members, click here for the download!

The Final Frontier

There's an awesome new art show I stumbled coming soon featuring some of the finest illustrators in the country. The title? The Shatner Show, all art featuring Captain Kirk himself. After seeing all the amazing work on this site, I couldn't help but be inspired to come up with my own Shatner-inspired illustration.

My website.

broken balloon string

Travel Sketch


Lunch With a Friend

Today while I was outside of my building eating my lunch, I spotted a chipmunk on the sidewalk enjoying the shade. He didn't notice me at first, but then became very cautious once our eyes met. I gently tossed him a bit of my lunch and he didn't seem to be interested until he caught a whiff of the bread. Once he began eating, I quickly took out my colored pencils, being careful not to startle the little fellow, and began to sketch our lunchtime meeting on a piece of cardboard.


Steph D.

Vacation flying...

This was my angry response to the flight crew on a vacation about 4 years ago. We had been on the tarmack for about an hour and we were told that we'd have to be there for at least another hour. I had my ipod headphones on and relaxed, even though it was about 85 degrees in the cabin. The stewardess kept telling me to turn it off but I refused until we were ready to roll. I was being a prick about it but so were they. Anyway, once we got into the air I did this sketch of the cabin stewards!

PYBOW: King George,... alone.

SFG: Draw Me

Here is Jeff... young, care-free...not a world-wide web worry of any kind on his mind..., were those the days???

SFG: draw me

Without even realizing it, I guess THIS fits into the category of "Draw Me"

it was either this or retail

"Art is a lie that helps us to realize the truth." - Pablo Picasso

"Art is the most beautiful of all lies." - Claude Debussy

"An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason - thinks would be a good idea to give them." -Andy Warhol

"Believe it or not, I can actually draw." - Jean Michel Basquiat

"It's all bullshit, kid." - Marlon Brando, to a 17-year old Laurence Fishburne, on the set of "Apocalypse Now"

Jun 26, 2007

PYBOT: Christina Ricci

Here's a very quick marker drawing I did of Christina Ricci. I tried to do this as fast as I could with no pre-sketching. About fifteen minutes with a Copic marker and some gritted teeth. This harkens back to my days working street art fairs cranking out caricatures for the masses.

My website.

Back To Basics

Blogged about at "A Latte A Day"

Smarty Pants

I've been slipping behind on my drawing. I've been very busy at work and it seems there is always something to do on the weekend. My drawing time is suffering. So I did something I usually don't do. I brought my drawing book to a party. I knew it was on a roof with a nice view. But it is still hard to draw when there are people around drinking and expecting you to commiserate. Once I got there I knew I had done the right thing. There was a beautiful view of the Williamsburg bridge off in the distance. The fun didn't get going for quite a while so I was able to get a drawing under my belt in a situation that I ordinarily wouldn't have. Yeah for me.

SFG: Draw Me

Heeeeerrre's . . . Jeff! This took about 20 minutes, in Prismacolor pencil (my current favorite sketching tool of choice).

Visit my website.

Gorgonzilla !

PYBOT: Mountain Giant

Quick coloring of a mountain giant for fun, experimenting with the new coloring style.

This is ME

PYBOT - Moulin Rouge - Paul Garland

Coming up with something original for the Burlesque show that is the legendary Moulin Rouge in Paris was a challenge to say the least, particularly as the benchmark was written by Toulouse-Lautrec in the 1890's. After much research and drawing, the idea suddenly came, to use a flower as the dancer's skirt and to attach the stocking tops with a suspender in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. With the subtle use of type I am really quite pleased at how this has turned out...

Shameless Self promotion

Apologies in advance, but I just had to share this....

As of today the Jesus Storybook Bible, that I illustrated for most of last year, has just hit #26 on the MOVERS AND SHAKERS on amazon.com! It's also currently at a sales rank of 433....


I have always thought about a robot smashing a pie into another robot's face whenever I would see PYBOT posted.

Whie cleaning out my office, I found this old piece of brown paper. I decided it would be a great backdrop for my PYBOT sketch done with Sharpie markers. I also accented the pie using a white pencil. I have been really enjoying the freedom of spontaneous sketching this past few weeks.


Steph D.

PYBOT: another nosferatu

fangs for the memories

Max Schreck, as movie legend tells it, was mystical. He was a German actor. He supposedly kept to himself and not much was known about his life outside of acting. His most famous role was Count Orlock in the 1922 silent film "Nosferatu", notoriously based on (although unauthorized) the novel Dracula. The story is, that during the filming of "Nosferatu", Max stayed in character, would only shoot his scenes at night and came to the set in full theatrical make-up. There were rumors that Max was actually a vampire. In the movie Shadow of the Vampire, that is exactly how Willem Dafoe played him.

However, these stories are total fabrication. Max was just an actor on stage and screen, appearing in 51 movies in sixteen years. He died in 1936 of a heart attack. No wooden stakes were involved.

PYBOT: Nessie Goes to Work

Being an elusive mythological recluse doesn't exactly pay the bills.

Down, but not out

So this guy was in the FACA (Fist-a-Cuffs) competition and was defeated soundly in the second round. Yet, he lives on! Big thanks to Sam over at FACA for letting me participate and to all you SFGer's for being so sugar-frosted-good.