Jun 30, 2008
SFG: Spots
Be sure to label your illustrations with the appropriate labels as well. Label your entries with your name and the challenge label, in this case SFG: Spots
The next challenge begins Monday, July 14th, 2008.
Thanks everyone! And don't forget that advertising on SFG and Design Inspiration is being offered right now at an all time low price. E-mail me for details.
Golden kiwi on Building
And now you can download this to your mobile
Jun 29, 2008
Monsoon Poon Tshirt
A T-shirt design we did for an South East Asian restaurant in Auckland called Monsoon Poon (rough translation 'wet pussy'). A great looking and tasting restaurant, well worth a visit if you are in Auckland. Here's their website.
They wanted a fun retro styled pin-up girl holding a wet cat, it went along with nicely with the fun and edgy style of the restaurant and also matching their previous theme of promotions. This was screen printed on a limited number of black T-shirts that was part of a promotion with one of their vodka suppliers.
It was a fun project to work on and if you need any illustration like this please let us know, we would love to help you.
Baggage Handler Maze

It shouldn't be too hard to complete unless your are a 2 year old
Tug of War

Jun 28, 2008
Air Spirit

Nature Calls

I almost never do a drawing of nature. That's because living in a city, I rarely see any. While making a television commercial in Los Angeles, I had a little free time. I was sitting in the backyard of the house we used for a location in Pasedena. There was this nice little tree so I decided to give it a whirl. Kind of turned out pretty good. Maybe I'll try to seek out some more nature to draw. I've been cooped up too long.
Jun 26, 2008
Don't I?

Trying to get back into the swing of things. My goal in the next few months is to establish a coherent, beneficial relationship between my digital and organic, hand-drawn work. Recently, I have begun to feel that one style will suffer over another, and as a result I end up unable to concentrate and produce meaningful output. By regaining a sense of play and experimentation I hope to make strides into increasing my ideas for editoral illustrations and comics.
Plus draw more wicked cool robots.

I love making line drawings. I was recently contacted to do an especially fun one. My assignment was to turn a ferocious university mascot, the panther, into an elegant, friendly and playful fellow for the university’s pediatric research program. I hope this guy makes the tiny visitors feel welcome!
Sunset Strip

When I went to Los angeles the first time, it was with my friend Ken Nahoum. He was a hot shot photographer at the time. It was over twenty years ago. We were constantly shooting low end celebrities. I was always ending up at dinner in places like Audrey Hepurn's sons house or getting into fights with Jack Palance. Wacky things seemed to always happen to me. Anyway the point of the story is that Ken I would usually end up here, in this old strip joint. It's the strip club Motley Crew wrote the song, Girls Girls Girls, about. Nice to know that it is still standing.
Jun 25, 2008
Underneath a pile of work
I'm new to SFG and excited to be among such amazing talent. My name is David Billings, but I bill myself under the handle Sparky Firepants. It sounds less accountant-like. Not that there's anything wrong with accounting.
I digress.
I create fun, bright, and punchy illustration and animation. You can read all about it at http://sparkyfirepants.com.
Here's a piece I just completed for an article on delegation. This guy definitely needs to delegate, ya think? I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again for the invite, Jeff!

See you all around!
Wilmer the worm

This is a sculpture that I did as a gift for my brother. I thought that it would be neat if a small earthworm could deliver my brother his birthday present, unfortunately this could never happen or could it?
This is the first piece that I’ve made as a stand-alone sculpture, rather than a photo-illustration. I used a variety of material (wire, foil. Sculpey, Apoxie, wood and acrylic paint). It is approximately 6″by 4.5″wide. Enjoy!
Also, I updated my site recently. Check it out!
Jun 24, 2008
Interview at Designfeedr

Jun 23, 2008
Bartholomew Hat

The lines are drawn, the colors are chosen, the textures are applied and the coffee pot is empty. The first of twenty spreads is officially complete. And now it’s time for a nap.
Moleskine Nine
Filmed version of my 9th Moleskine sketchbook, can also be viewed in scanned form at Sketchbooks
Jun 22, 2008
Down came a spider

Some recent work for an article on the South African 'brain drain'. People are leaving the country for various reasons - crime, employment policies, rising rates and taxes - all the while feeling bound to the place by family, friends etc.
Can you see the web is the actual map of South Africa?

This one is for the inside, where the author admits the UK service levels leave much to be desired...
My blog

An editorial illustration I did for a UK magazine. I'm still working on improving my techniques. I was fairly pleased with this considering the tight deadline I had.
How To

There is a piece on me in the new issue of How Magazine. August 2008 issue. My friend Danny Gregory is putting out a book on creative people and their sketchbooks. It's going to be called, An Illustrated Life. I'll let everyone know when it comes out. I've gotten a lot of good feedback from the article. Many people in the industry read it. It came out very nice and I didn't sound too much like a moron.
Jun 21, 2008
SFG: tiny

Herve Villechaize was born in 1943 in Paris. A malfunctioning organ would leave Herve at a full-grown height of just under 4 feet tall. Herve studied painting and photography at the famed Beaux-Arts Museum in Paris. At the age of 18 he became the youngest artist to ever have his work displayed in the prestigious Museum of Paris.
At the age of 21 Herve sailed to New York City. After teaching himself English by watching American television and upon immersing himself in the New York City art scene, he would eventually land roles in several off-Broadway plays. In his first notable movie role, Herve played Beppo in the 1971 comedy The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight starring Robert DeNiro. He wouldn't experience his big break into show biz until 1974 however, when he landed the role of a tiny villain named Nick-Nack in the 1974 James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun.
Herve moved to California, where he eventually hooked up with Aaron Spelling. Spelling would cast him opposite Ricardo Montalban on Fantasy Island. The show's six season run made a household name out of his character, Tattoo, and injected his signature call of "de plane, de plane" into American pop culture. Herve's newfound fame would lead him to command a whopping $25,000 per episode salary. Herve and his wife moved into a 2 1/2 acre ranch in the foothills of the San Fernando Valley. Soon, Herve began to sense he was not being treated as fairly as other Fantasy Island cast members. He responded by demanding the same money as Montalban, prompting ABC to drop Herve from the show.
Leaving Fantasy Island would prove to be beginning of his career decline. Herve, having blown through his Fantasy Island money, eventually had to sell his ranch in the Valley and move into a rental house in North Hollywood. His collapsing career and deteriorating health led Herve to the bottle. He would often consume two bottles of wine in a single night. While not that unusual for average sized people, it was detrimental to Herve as he tipped the scales at just 90 pounds.
Herve's medical condition was worsening. With increasing pain from internal organs that were too large for his body, Herve was taking upwards of 20 pills a day to alleviate the symptoms. He realized that his body was beginning to shut down, and found himself fending off frequent bouts of depression.
In 1993 Herve's luck would turn a bit towards the better. He found work in several TV commercials including a Dunkin Donuts spot that, despite his wishes to distance himself from his Tattoo days, would find him asking for "de plain" "de plain" donut.
On September 3, 1993, Herve, accompanied by his common-law wife, Katherine Self, attended a movie screening in Hollywood. They later enjoyed dinner at a restaurant near their home.
In the early morning hours of September 4, Herve placed two sound-muffling pillows against his chest, and fired a pistol into them.
Land of the Pagoda

I really would like to live in one of these, humm feeling the peace and tranquility.
totem barrococo....
Jun 20, 2008
Screw D'État

Did this for an article about swingers clubs in Toronto's Eye Weekly magazine.
More work up at www.wandelmaier.com
Jun 19, 2008
Head in the Clouds.

"Giraffe character."
Sometimes I get the itch to illustrate something for no other reason than to illustrate something. At first I was going to put the Giraffe in high heels but after sketching it out I changed my mind.
What can I say, I am pragmatic. Common sense told me I could repurpose this art in the future and I figured no one would want a sexy Giraffe.
Art show!

I've been invited to submit some of my work to a show in September, called "Drawing Show: An exhibition of contemporary South African graphic design and illustration."
Each piece submitted by the invited artists/designers will be an A1 print on some very decent paper. Here is the first in my series of two. What do you think?
My blog
Jun 18, 2008
The Terrible Tinys

Tim Russert

My wife knows not to bother me on Sunday mornings. I love to watch all the political talk shows. Chris Matthews, Stephanopoulos, McLaughlin Group and Meet the Press. It's great seeing George Will and Pat Buchanan battle with Eleanor Cliff and Sam Donaldson. I can't get enough, especially in this crazy political season. I like everyone else, was shocked when Tim Russert died so suddenly. Too bad he won't be around to see Barak become president. If you are a fan of the show then you know he would have loved that. You could tell who he was for. Not only did I enjoy when he beat up on Republicans but he was also from Buffalo, New York. I went to school in Buffalo and actually follow the lowly Buffalo Bills. Me and him have a lot more things in common. We're both Irish and went to catholic schools and were taught by mean angry nuns who didn't take any of our crap. About the only thing we don't have in common was our weight. I was going to draw mustard and ketchup all over his tie and jacket but seeing as he died I thought I would cut him a break with all my drawing antics. Someday our beloved Buffalo Bills will win a super bowl. Also one day the Buffalo Sabres hockey team will capture the Stanley Cup. Unfortunately it won't be during Obama's two terms but I will keep you posted Big Russ.
'Mallow Mayhem
Jun 17, 2008
Seniora Gertrudiz by Wilmer Murillo
ICON5 - The Illustration Conference!

The Illustration Conference • July 2-5 NYC
ICON5 will be held in New York City at the historic Roosevelt Hotel in midtown Manhattan. This year's theme, The Big Picture, is more than a slogan, it is the perspective through which we see our future – a future of limitless possibilities for illustrators as thinkers, story tellers and providers of creative content. The conference promises to examine and discuss the current creative and economic forces that our industry faces today.

All kinds of topic driven sessions like "The Art & Science of Icon Illustration."
ICON continues to gather the industry's best and brightest talent to present and talk about the issues facing illustrators, their business, their lives, and their passion for illustration. You can be part of the biggest illustration centric event put on by illustrators for illustrators!

400+ Illustrators, thousands of doodles and infinite inspiration!
For more information about the many sessions, location of the even and to register visit www.TheIllustrationConference.org